Wednesday, November 29, 2006

In name only...

I was so excited when I first found organic milk at Costco. Then, I discovered it wasn't so organic after all. I was so disappointed. As the interest in organic products rises, so does big corporations' interest gaining the organic market share and therefore money. Unfortunately, in their desire to make money on organic products... they are ignoring, side-stepping, or "creatively meeting" organic standards. Their products are organic in name only. These companies include: Horizon Organic, Aurora Organic, and the the brand names that the leading retailers are selling from Horizon and Aurora at Wal-Mart, Costco, Safeway, Giant, Publix, and Wild Oats.

Support organic farmers and their commitment to producing high quality organic products... buy from them. Look for local and regional companies and farms that you can buy from. I'm currently buying milk from Organic Valley Coop. Read farm bios about the people who are supplying the milk in your region. Take the time to find similar sources for your organic milk. Take a stand for maintain organic standards and the health of your family. It's worth it.

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